Monday, September 27, 2010

The Magic of Spoonflower

I got my first fabric sample from Spoonflower! I chose to sample one of my patterns with a dark background because I wanted to see how accurately the color would print. It printed as a dark brown rather than the dark charcoal gray I specified, but even so, I like how it came out.

I would suggest to anyone to create your sample with a variety of colors, and shades of similar colors so that you can adjust your final design to come out closest to your desired effect when you send for your final yardage.

Spoonflower tells me " can order as small as an 8 in square, or a fat quarter." They offer an array of fabrics and weights:

1. Quilting Weight Cotton
2. Organic Cotton Sateen
3. Organic Cotton Interlock Knit
4. Upholstery Weight Cotton Twill
5. Linen-Cotton Canvas
6. Cotton Lawn

The organic cotton interlock knit feels a little too lightweight for clothing, but would work well for accessories, plush toys, etc. The crépe de chine (coming soon), is perfect for scarfs, rosettes, or other accessories... and all with your own pattern! has tips and links for creating your patterns and uploading them to the site for printing.

My test sample below, with Spoonflower's fabric sample booklet.


  1. Heather, I design at Spoonflower and I thought I'd let you know there is no minimum. You can order as small as an 8 in square, or a fat quarter.
    Also I'll warn you now Spoonflower is terribly addictive!

  2. VO, Thanks for the clarification... I'll update my post! I'm looking forward to printing fabrics to make my bags with!

  3. I just can't wait to see the bags you make with fabrics of your own design! Will you have any ready for your upcoming show?

  4. Hi Cheryl (hot tin roof)! I did order one fat quarter of one super basic design I did. I'll make one example bag from this. I won't be able to refine my designs and have them printed in time for the holiday shows. If I hole up and design away during the winter you may see a Spring 2011 collection!

  5. Hi Heather, found you via Pink Laundry on facebook! Just followed your fab blog, you can visit me @ All the best, Jane:)
